Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Your 5 Day Relaxed Clearer Vision Challenge

    • How to navigate this challenge on your 5 day jounrey

    • A message from your instructor - Important to watch before you begin your challenge!

    • Where are you and where do you want to go? - Measuring guide

  • 2

    Day 1 - Relaxing your eye muscles

    • Day 1 -  Challenge kickoff & Guided Eye Relaxation Exercise

    •  LIVE Q/A Recording: Shares and Ahas!

  • 3

    Day 2 - Relaxing Your Eyes Through Blinking

    • Day 2 - Relaxing Your Eyes Through Blinking

    • Day 2-  LIVE Q/A Recording: Shares and Ahas!

  • 4

    Day 3 - Breathe Your Way To Relaxed Clearer Vision

    • Day 3 - Breathe Your Way To Relaxed Clearer Vision

    • Day 3 - LIVE Q/A Recordings: Shares and Ahas!

  • 5

    Day 4 - Releasing Tension Around Your Eyes

    • Edit: Day 4 - Releasing Tension Around Your Eyes

    • Day 4 - Final LIVE Q/A Recording: Shares and ahas of the full 5 days!

  • 6

    Day 5 - Creating A Habit of Relaxed Clearer Vision

    • Day 5 - Simply Creating A Habit Of Relaxed Clearer Vision

    • Day 5 - One Degree of Positive Change Assessment Form